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Something Positive Always Happening!
Profit Clicking and its related programs operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain)
It's Possible to Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune! With our Pay-It-Forward System You Get "$10 Free Money" to Get You Started at No Cost!
Every Day, when You Log into Profit Clicking, You'll See that "Something Positive Has Happened": Click on three websites a day and Receive up to 2% in Daily Commissions. With most other programs, when you log into your account, you see that nothing has changed, and you may interpret this as "Nothing is Happening!" -- not satisfying!
Basically, You Receive up to 2% Commission per day! No sponsoring Requirements. Receive Your Easily-Earned Money Promptly! This may be one of the easiest and best ways to earn money you've ever seen!
Sponsor People to Earn 10% Referral Bonuses on the First Level and 5% on the Second! Withdraw this Money Daily, or Use It to Increase your Earnings!
All Similar Programs (Usually Called Revenue-Share Programs, Doublers, Cyclers, Autosurfs, or HYIPs) Slow Down, Stall, and Disappear. This Happened to "The $10 Wonder." Fortunately, Profit Clicking is Indefinitely Sustainable!
Enrich Yourself by Joining the Profit Clicking Stampede!

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